SCIENCE FICTION_Imagine yourself the times, relatively close nearly to us such as alternative reality, when we save populations from the brink of extinction. Yet, the technological industry across Kaucasus or Orient Wild not yet definied most valuable protected areas and indigenous lineages, whose should be protected most and priority. Some of them are threatened and whole are relic of early holocene. Inaniel Uagri-Qehałj phD, which is confirmed russian-spanish hetero with roots from china, we think implicitly, is entrepreneur involved in initiative devoted to Zoo of The future, which is located in Arkem, the small futuristic country-city, the autonomous inland of South Poland. Alternative reality allows us to think this is embarking work called Orczidt Project, which is the most innovate for dreamers and diplomatic consultants. Wanted lineage is on of the job from the initiative gathered extant populations, which are evolutionary distinct or being on the edge of existence and so on. It is heroes titanic work for generations and large amount of lineages and populations from the continents of Old Earth and other spaces and wild places worldwide.

europe cryptozoology vs science fiction and fake science. LOST TV drama episode of growth for Arkem and Uaquavai. The future is Wild. volume one. creative commons quatlwork_12 of 2019.


< Chutzpah … a drawing for ‘Zootopia’ in Jutland, Denmark. Photograph: Big< A proposal for St Petersburg … a gatherings of islands surrounded by water and dotted with biospheres. Photograph: Artefactory ZSP
