Research and conservation of central asian tetrapods// La recherche et la conservation des tétrapodes Asie Centrale
2016 etc. 30 sierpien/august
by Thomasz Pietrzak; naturalist and explorer

Preliminary pilot project concerning natural history and conservation of tetrapods in wilderness of Centrale Asie is needed. Thus there are plenty of areas not yet identified by the way. In nowadays lack of data is over here and up-to-date research are needed for evaluation population status of a few relic and enigmatic animals living in low abundance. Those areas such as Bositeng Swamps or Zaamin Massif are still poorly known. Moreover, nothing is known about their animal inhabitants. Borohoro Shan, foggy and harsh region is unknown by natural history. European institutions gathered in non-gov from Norway & France is priorities-themes for further natural resources management/ research and conservation of megafauna.

Daxigou Valley is located in Daxigou village to the northwest of Huocheng county, 90 km away from Yining city. Unknown tetrapods are still extant in the area. Prevent damaging this unique Central Asian land ecosystem is field aims.Some unknown animals, including some large tetrapods from wilderness of Borohoro Shan are not yet evaluated by field research. Exploration of last virgin areas of Centrale Asie and so-called white dots of. That is such a grand and adventurous research journey,"no matter how far we go and how hard we try to find an unrecognized tetrapods". Establishment of community-based is worthy of more studies etcetera.
  Expedition Asie Centrale du région sauvage

Some wild landscapes and tetrapods. There are unrecorded areas not yet evaluated by field survey. Expedition following by Grobcevski in nineteenth century. More is needed for conducting field inventory devoted wildlife presence/absence e.g. in Altyn Emel, Bositeng Swamps. Remote interior concern landscape and wilderness conservation. More survey is needed in such areas like Borohoro Shan, where the rarest animals inhabits more remote areas, those are active during a day, where no humans was ever. Their presence should be confirmed yet. Non-invasive  inventory and ethnozoological survey are key aspects in those important for natural history. Fur skin of enigmatic tetrapods to be confirmed in relic villages, where senile hunters keep those for seventy years. Analysis of records of unidentified animals, those living in low abundance. Main purposes are studies in the wild. Wilds are main purposes for further study in remote area. wilderness conservation species-specific investigations in remote landscapes-wilderness. Human-dominated landscapes hitherto harbour other forms, well known in natural history. Wilderness is practical solution for field of natural history. A priori survey in wilderness is needed.
wild equid
One short two-year project determined by field inventory is needed using ethnozoological interview and non-invasive camera trapping are those for further research in areas such as Daxigou Valley and in the remote Kolsai Natural Heritage. More inventory of rare tetrapods are needed
Project namely natural resources of Borohoro Shan and Daxigou Region is not yet determined. Identify of remote areas for constructing heritages and natural reserves is needed further in those wild CentralThe Future of Wild Europe Asia. Natural resources management is priorities for IUCN and GEF programmes. Local stakeholders with renowed researchers are needed for continuing cooperation in the name of conservation. Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Christensen Fund is further continuation of field inventory and practical support for local wildlife and human communities, in wilderness of Central Asie. Those endemic and pleistocene survivors can be still extant in areas such as in Daxigou Valley or southern Borohoro Shan. In the remote villages of north Afghanistan there are still present some large tetrapods, known by locals. Field tracking in remote area is needed for further inventory. Bositeng swamps are as I judge region to be needed more recognize by natural history. There are probably extant some large tetrapods. Unidentified wild equid from Central Asia is not yet confirmed. Small population occured in low abundance in Daxigou Valley. Itinerary of inventory in four wilderness regions. Here are needed project developed by young natural historian from Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris as well from other institutions in the name of natural resources management (e.g. NTNU from Trondheim). Many so-called wilderness areas in Central Asia is described by white dots in zoology and conservation. Some sort of investigations are needed in the wildest areas. More is needed to do here as an explorer and zoologist.
record: 2012-2016
terrasilveste /issuu /calameo /
FRENCH: La recherche et la conservation des tétrapodes Asie Centrale
NORSK: Forskning og bevaring av Sentrale Asiatiske tetrapods
POLSKI; Badania i ochrona czworonogów z Azji Środkowej