Histoire naturelle et recherche des derniers bastions de lycaon en Afrique de l'Ouest

published by Enviro Challenges Consulting
posted 14 may of 2021

It is believed that Lycaon aka african wild dog may still persist in low numbers in Nigeria's Gashaka Reserve and some population occur in other lands such Kainji Lake, however it hasn't been confirmed during survey in 2009 and 2011. In many part of their former range the species is de facto not yet discovered by camera traps or autochtons records. The species could still persis in Comoé National Park of Côte d’Ivoire last sighting there was recorded in late 1980s, but population is currently unknown. The animals resembling lycaon was recorded from hunters in ghanian Kyabobo National Park, where it was estimated as rare. There are needs for setting up the project concerning monitoring the areas using camera trapping and scat samples analysis for confirming the population of Lycaon in the region and take another steps into conservation and mitigating wildlife-human conflicts. Partnership project can be realized with cooperation with union for nature conservation from german club and museum of natural history from Stockholm, wildlife authorities from canadian team, department of natural resources e.g. from Western Europe and zoo foundation from european city. Published under scientific inventory by Enviro Challenges Consulting and Tomasz Pietrzak in April 2021. Review research dated back as far as 2017. Lycaon pictus art by Alejandra Luaces. This article is groundwork popularizing zoology and scientific knowledge. The idea of this article is in the name of nature conservation. Text number WG#¤"693ncx