1431067.  Sat Feb 25, 2023 6:48 am


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Getting more infos about wild dogs in Central China

article in english: As submitted by popular science magazines, the animal's world is full of mystery. We are on the track of small populations of dholes aka red dogs. We tracked them in the Chinese interior, namely Daba Shan and Qin-ling Massif. Scientific evidences of presence-absence and distribution records in the name of nature and conservation of this rare member of the dog family is crucial for its further survival. There exist lacks in natural history, namely so-called white dots in the range map of dholes, and thus populations of Central China are still insufficiently known. The creature has suffered in the past from persecution, habitat loss, diseases and so on. What about confrontation with the fauna and locals, remains a question. With using non-invasive techniques and interviews with hunters there are chances for records of the other zoological taxa of carnivorous mammals. There are unconfirmed records of these and other Carnivora species. Institutions from mainland Europe (swedish, polish or french crew) are perhaps going to do some wildlife inventories in remote lands of this part of China. Thanks to work with Planete Plus there can be produced an innovative documentary film based on a field project in Daba Shan, good job in search of dholes. Pioneer small project, maps, photos, docs, skins and excrements, animal DNA, gps coordinates and small research centers are aspects of the valuable contributions to pan-european zoology. Submitted by league-scientifique and Tomasz Pietrzak, polish author with BSc in life science. Available by Creative Commons in EU/Poland.

en francais: Obtenir plus d'informations sur les chiens sauvages du aux Chine Centrale? L' aventure hypothétique est un idéa du petit projet peut-être visant à confirmer la présence de dholes dans quelques sites de Chine Centrale est prévu par le monde zoologique.

in sverige: Det hypotetiska äventyret är en idé om det lilla projekt som kanske syftar till att bekräfta förekomsten av dholes på några platser i centrala Kina som planeras av den zoologiska världen.

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